

Click for current Consumer Confidence Report

This annual report covers water quality analyses for the calendar year 2023. RWD No. 3 had NO water quality violations during 2023! RWD NO. 3 produces water from several wells. Also, some of the water is purchased from the City of Seneca to serve to the area area between Seneca and Baileyville. If you are not sure of which source is provided to your location, please feel free to contact the Rural Water District office. Business hours are M-F 8AM to 5PM at 905 US Hwy 36 Seneca, Kansas 66538, or by phone (785) 336-3522 or email us at 

  • 17 August 2013

Because of recent updates to drinking water regulations, the Kansas Department of Health and Enviroment (KDHE) is requiring each public water system to gather data on their customer's plumbing. KDHE is requiring all water systems to identify each service line, including private home plumbing materials.

  • 27 September 2023

Water Tower check-up! July 15 - 21 for System E

The tower maintenance is scheduled for July 15-21, if you received a text/postcard notice you are in the assigned area.  Please keep your water usage during this time to a minimum if possible.  If you have a project that a large amount of water is needed for, please pump the water in a tank and have it ready for your project.  This will help us lowering the towers and after the check-up is completed, filling the tower at a faster pace! 

We appreciate your help and cooperation,  Rural Water District No. 3

  • 30 August 2021

Which Rural Water District am I in?

Which Water District am I in? You can check with your address

Which Rural water district am I in?

  • 15 November 2019
  • 26 March 2019


  • 28 January 2019

IT'S THE LAW! Kansas811 to find out more. Locates are valid for 15 calendar days!

Explore damage prevention information, local contacts and rules for safe digging in Kansas.

Kansas 811
811 or 800-344-7233

Visit Website
8100 East 22nd Street North
Bldg 2300
Wichita, KS 67226
24 / 7
Advanced Notice: 2 full working days, not including the day the notice was placed
Number of days in advance of a digging project that you need to notify the one call center of your intent to dig.
Marks Valid: 15 calendar days
Defines the period of time the facility marks (paint, flags, stakes, etc.) are valid according to state law or practice.

  • 29 August 2017


Keeping your contact information current is important so that we can successfully contact you for such things as planned service outage notifications.

  • 17 August 2017

Selling your house, farm or land? Changing tenents?

Image result for moving Moving!!!

  • 17 February 2017

Theme picker

«July 2024»